EXCELでのセルの選択状態をVBAで読むFor Each in Selectionとコピペできるメッセージを出力できるInputBox。
One day, some pieces got at work connect each other and then become a tips.
"For Each in Selection" picks selected cells with the selected order and "InputBox" enables to copy and paste the message output by Inputbox.
Very tiny things but it make me happy when it come up as new idea.
Here is the VBA which concatenates cells with the selected order.
- Sub concatenate()
- For Each r In Selection
- streach = r.Value
- If strselect = "" Then
- strselect = streach
- Else
- strselect = strselect & " " & streach
- EndIf
- Next
- InputBox Prompt:="Please Copy and Paste", Default:= strselect
- End Sub
Selection of EXCEL enables to pick up cells with the selected order for any cells. without any rules and even distant cells.
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