green-girl |
この記事にある、トラブルの原因となったパッチはそのあと、しばらくして消滅し、不具合もいつの間に密かに修正されたのであるが、Windows patchが悪さをすることが、日常茶飯事である。そのことに警鐘を鳴らすためにこのエピソードを消さずに残しておく。
At the end of 2014 my IE+VBA auto-pilot intranet cursing scripts were not working due to ”Access Denied (error) to a frame”. If this goes on, All my scripts made by half-crying patience and persistence for past a year will end up in the garbage. I faced the greatest challenge I had never experience.
First I thought that the intranet team strengthened system's security. I tried to break through the barrier but I couldn't.
Finally I asked my VBA master.
Quite quickly my master told me " Your enemy is Microsoft , not our intranet team. Remove KB3025390 of Windows Patch!"
After removal of the patch as told, my script went well as before. That's just what you'd expect from him.
Anyway my enemy is Microsoft in Seattle, USA and its level-down patch did nasty to me.
What makes me mad most is that the patch is reinstalled automatically for normal shutdown like zombi.
Remove the KB3025390 of Windows's patch(update) if you found that your IE-auto-pilotting scripts by VBA stopped for "frame access error" or IE+VBA failed to access a frame.
後日、特定のWindowsパッチ(Windows updates)を適用されないようにするためには、コントロールパネルの延長で出てくる、利用可能な更新プログラムの一覧で、今後表示しない更新プログラムを右クリックし、[更新プログラムの非表示] をクリックすればよいとわかった。楽チンだね。
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