
IE+VBAで仕事を効率化〜再びIE自動運転の不具合[フレーム(frame)へのアクセス拒否]の原因はWindowsパッチの自動更新 if IE+VBA failed to access(Access Denied) to a frame again!


 At the beginning of  Feb. of 2015 my IE+VBA auto-pilot intranet cursing scripts were not working due to ”Access Denied (error) to a frame”. 


 This time I won't doubt about that the intranet team strengthened system's security. Without hesitation, I asked my VBA master.


 My master told me " Remove KB3034196 of Windows Patch!"
 After removal of the patch as told, my script went well as before. That's just what you'd expect from him. He knows everything.


 MicroSoft rolled out "haunted and damned patch" again as if that could help us out but it wouldn't .

  今回も、特定のWindowsパッチ(Windows updates)の自動適用を封じるために、コントロールパネルの延長で出てくる、利用可能な更新プログラムの一覧で、今後表示しない更新プログラムを右クリックし、[更新プログラムの非表示] をクリックした。これで、一安心だね

 To prevent the specific window's patch, in the list of available updates of Control Panel, right-click any update that you don’t want to see again, and choose Hide Update. 


A few days later, I don't why but hidden KB3025390 has really disappeared and KB3034196 has appeared in the installed patches list, Luckily my autopilot VBA programs are going well. What happened? Microsoft may want to play with us? Endless battles to Microsoft have begun.

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